I started doing editions of 19 of all my work. It felt like the right number. And I like odd numbers too. Somebody asked me if it was about COVID. I said no, but unconsciously maybe. Cherry on top, in an art fair, someone recognised me as the 19 guy. Definitely my proudest moment in the art world so far. I’m also releasing new editions of 57 (19x3), but keeping the 19s as unique and unforgettable.

Like COVID.  

Art was a mistake. I had an idea for a poster and my lack of artistic skills sent me to an art shop supplier for stickers. But the stickers didn’t stick because they were transfer letters. After a loud WTF! I gave it a go, found it fun, and started making mini prints. Then a friend said you should try screen printing. I didn’t have a clue about screen printing, but tried a couple of workshops. And here I am, years later, posing awkwardly in a pic on my own art website.

I am Diego. I was born in Peru in the eighties, enjoyed life without social media in the nineties, and started making a living from my writing in the two thousands.

I’ve lived in London since 2010.

My Uber rating is 4.62.

“You didn’t go to art school, and I can tell.”

A friend of a friend who will never be my friend